From the artist...
My still lifes are harmonies in hue, both strong and soft,
with shapes that will dance and than settle to rest in their color
chords. Each new piece is well thought out, in both design and content,
than each object is very lovingly painted in all its natural splendor
I do not labor over the work, but allow myself to be labored by the work. That is very different. It is “I” that is being created in the work. Once the paint is on the canvas, it dictates my very next move, it poses the question and I must answer its call. So much of the very painting is done direct from the inward out, like the all-calm center. ~ George W. Ryder II |
Saper Galleries....where excellence is the
433 Albert Avenue East Lansing, Michigan 48823 USA TOLL FREE now: (877)537-5251 (517)351-0815