Vicente Pelegero Agusti
Pelegero Agustí was born in Xàtiva
(Valencia, Spain) in 1971. At a very young age,
his family moved to Gandia, Spain (on the
Mediterranean coast), where he currently resides. He
graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts of San Carlos,
Valencia, in 1995 and immediately dedicated himself to
painting full time. Using the Mediterranean
tradition of plein air painting, Vicente says,
“With each canvas, I try to capture the real and
intense poetic subtlety of everyday life’s
Every day, since childhood, Vicente has been absorbed
by plein air painting and the freshness it
delivers, giving importance obtained from loose
brushwork and a colorful palette.
Pelegero Agusti has had solo exhibitions nearly every
year in Milan, Barcelona, Alicante and Malaga,
Spain. We are pleased to now introduce his
paintings to the United States and visitors to Saper