Picasso at Saper Galleries!
Pablo Picasso

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  Message from Roy Saper                 News articles and broadcasts                   Exhibited Graphics                 Exhibited Ceramics

Who Was Pablo Picasso?       The Women of Picasso      What is an Original Picasso Graphic?     Picasso Ceramics      Reception Photos

Portrait of PicassoClick
                    for more info on Picasso!Picasso in studio 1959
Original Graphics and Ceramics
May 7 - July 2, 2006


East Lansing's Picasso Exhibition in the News!
  • "Picasso Comes to Town", WILX TV 10 (NBC) broadcast, May 7, 2006  (link no longer active)
  • "Local Picasso Art Display", WLNS TV 6 (CBS) broadcast, May 7, 2006  (link no longer active)
  • "Pieces of Picasso", Lansing State Journal, May 3, 2006 (link no longer active)
  • WKAR Radio Scott Pohl interviewing Roy Saper about the Picasso exhibition, May 3, 2006 (link no longer active)
  • Morning Edition, National Public Radio and Picassos in East Lansing, May 3, 2006 (link no longer active)

Click here to see
Photos of exhibition receptions!

A very limited number of the two-sided, 93" x 31" Picasso banners you saw on downtown lamp posts are now available for purchase at $100 each.  Stop by to pick one up or e-mail us with your request!

                        banners on lamp posts in downtown East Lansing

Front of
                        Picasso bannerBack of
                        Picasso banner

A Message from Roy C. Saper

(Note: Exhibition ended July 9, 2006 although a limited number of the works of art shown below may still be available.  You may wish to call us before traveling to visit to ensure what you are seeking is still here and to confirm pricing!

The creative genius of Pablo Picasso (1881-1973), the most famous artist of the 20th century, gave the world more than 20,000 works of art and the development of new styles and artistic media. 

One of Picasso’s most significant achievements was his creation of more than 2,000 graphic images: original etchings, lithographs, linocuts and mixed-media.  These creations, generally made by preparing a flat surface with an image that was inked and transferred to paper, are noteworthy for several reasons. 

Picasso was known for discovering his own technical and visual vocabulary, creating works of art unlike any before him.  For 70 years he was a prodigious worker, creating more than 500 etchings in his final years.  His graphic work also chronicles his life, particularly his relationships with his wives and other loves and, in his final years, his imagined relationships.

In this rare and historical exhibition we have assembled several dozen of Picasso's catalogued graphics which are recognized for their importance in illustrating Picasso's noteworthy contributions to 20th century art and printmaking.

Among the more exciting etchings displayed is a large selection from the famous Vollard Suite, a series of 100 etchings created between 1933 and 1937, commissioned by the foremost French art dealer and publisher, Ambroise Vollard.  These are the same etchings that one can see today at the Museum of Modern Art (New York), the Picasso Museums (Barcelona and Paris), The Art Institute of Chicago, National Gallery (Washington, D.C.) and the famed Bibliothèque Nationale (Paris), among other such institutions around the world.

The only difference between the museum examples and what is displayed in this exhibition is that those being exhibited at Saper Galleries are available for personal acquisition for display in your home or office, to be in your family for this and future generations.

In contrast to Picasso’s graphic media are his ceramics, three-dimensional creations that Picasso became intrigued with in 1947 and were to become a focus of Picasso’s for the rest of his life.  A selection of the artist’s rare painted vases, pitchers and plates are a significant contribution that widens the breadth of this exhibition.

Consistent with the Saper Galleries tradition of 28 years in providing detailed documentation on what it owns and displays, the exhibit includes text which will guide the viewer to a richer understanding of the art’s relevance to Picasso’s life and contributions to modern art history.

Regarded as one of the most influential artists of the 20th century, the creations of Pablo Picasso literally changed the face of modern art. 

Between May 7 and July 2, 2006 guests were able to see for themselves examples of the creative intellect, the brilliant vision, the prodigious output, and artistic legacy of Pablo Picasso at Saper Galleries. 

It is my pleasure to personally welcome you to enjoy Picasso: Original Graphics and Ceramics.

                                              ~ Roy C. Saper

Enjoy these special photos of Picasso by Edward Quinn (1920-1997).  Many will be on display during the Saper Galleries exhibition.  All are copyrighted by the Edward Quinn Archives.

Picasso with linocut of Jacqueline and the original linoleum plate from which it was printed in 1959

Picasso 1951
Picasso, Claude and Paloma, 1951

Picasso in studio 1956
Picasso drawing in his studio, 1956

Picasso 1955
Picasso and Jacqueline, 1955

Click here for a brief summary of Picasso's
major contributions to 20th century art

Top of page

Click on any of the images shown below to see a larger picture.  For a higher-resolution and even larger picture of any of the images, just e-mail us with your request and we will e-mail you pictures providing greater detail for your evaluation.  Note that all the Picassos shown below are subject to prior sale. 

Click the title or picture and
additional information about the works of art shown below will appear.  (Use the back button on your browser to return to the main Picasso page.)

Thank you -- and enjoy!

Femme Couchée, 1924
(Woman reclining)

9 5/8 x 13" image size
11 x 14 3/4" paper size

Edition of 50
Signed in pencil
Van Gelder Zonen watermark
(Bloch catalog number 68
and Cantz catalog number 18)
$27,500 framed

[For all art, click on title or picture for more detail]
                  Devant son Tableau, 1927
Peintre devant son Tableau, 1927
(Painter in front of his easel)
Etching (plate XI) for Le chef d'oeuvre inconnu by d'honore' de Balzac

 11 x 7 5/8" image size
12 3/4 x 9 1/2" paper size

Marina Picasso collection oval stamp.
Trial proof before steel facing
prior to edition with small margins

(Bloch catalog number 92)

This Picasso has found a
new home in southeastern Michigan.
Femme Nue
                  se Couronnant de Fleurs
Femme nue se
couronnant de Fleurs, 16.9.1930
(Nude woman with crown of flowers)

Etching from the Suite Vollard
12 1/2  x 8 3/4" image size
17 1/2 x 13 1/4" paper size

Printed on Montval paper
Picasso watermark, edition of 260
Printed by Lacouriere in 1939

(Bloch catalog number 135)

This Picasso has found a
new home in southeastern Michigan.

Au Bain
Au Bain, 17.10.1930
(In the bath)
  Etching from the Suite Vollard
10 1/8 x 7 1/8" image size
17 1/2 x 13 3/8" paper size

Printed on Montval paper
Picasso watermark, edition of 260
Printed by Lacouriere in 1939
Very fine rich print.
(Bloch catalog number 136)
$12,500 framed

Femme nue
                  assise devant un Rideau
Femme nue assise devant
un Rideau, 3.4.1931
(Nude woman in front of a curtain)

Etching from the Suite Vollard
10 5/8 x 7 1/8" image size
17 5/8 x 13 3/8" paper size

Printed on Montval paper
Vollard watermark, edition of 260
Printed by Lacouriere in 1939
(Bloch catalog number 137)
Sorry, sold

Femme nue
                  devant une statue
Femme nue devant
une Statue, 4.7.1931
(Nude woman in front of a statue)
Etching from the Suite Vollard
12 1/4 x 8 5/8" image size
17 1/2 x 13 3/8" paper size

Printed on Montval paper
Vollard watermark, edition of 260
Printed by Lacouriere in 1939
Very fine rich print
(Bloch catalog number 139)
$18,000 framed
                  sculpteurs une statue
Deux Sculpteurs devant

une Statue, 9.7.1931
(Two sculptors in front of a statue)
Etching from the Suite Vollard
8 1/2 x 12" image size
15 1/8
x 19 7/8" paper size
Printed on Montval paper with large margins
Edition of 50
Signed in pencil
Printed by Lacouriere in 1939
(Bloch catalog number 140)
$25,000 framed

                  modele et sculpture assise
Sculpteur, Modèle et Sculpture:
femme assise, 15.3.1933
(Sculptor and model

viewing statue of a seated woman)
  Etching and drypoint from the Suite Vollard
12 1/2 x 7 1/8" image size
17 1/2 x 13 3/8" paper size

Printed on Montval paper
Picasso watermark, edition of 260
Printed by Lacouriere in 1939
Very fine rich print.
(Bloch catalog number 146)
$14,000 framed

Modele at
                  sculpeur avec sa sculpture
Sculpteur, Modèle couché

et sculpture, 17.3.1933
(Seated model and sculptor

studying sculptured head)
Etching from the Suite Vollard
10 3/8 x 7 1/2" image size
17 1/2 x 13 3/8" paper size

Printed on Montval paper
Vollard watermark, edition of 260
Printed by Lacouriere in 1939
Very fine rich print.
(Bloch catalog number 148)
$22,000 framed
Modeles et
Sculpteurs, Modèles et Sculpture, 20.3.1933
(Two sculptors, male and female

models, and sculpture)
Etching from the Suite Vollard
7 5/8 x 10 1/2" image size
  15 1/8 x 19 7/8" paper size

Printed on Montval paper with large margins
Edition of 50
Signed in pencil
Printed by Lacouriere in 1939
(Bloch catalog number 149)
$32,000 framed

                  tableau et sculpture
Modèle, tableau et sculpture, 21.3.1933
(Seated model with painting and sculpted head)
Etching from the Suite Vollard
10 3/8 x 7 5/8" image size
17 1/2 x 13 3/8" paper size

Printed on Montval paper
Picasso watermark, edition of 260
Printed by Lacouriere in 1939
(Bloch catalog number 151)
$22,500 framed

                  modele, sculpture et poisson rough
Sculpteur avec Coupe

et Modèle accroupi, 21.3.1933
(Sculptor with fishbowl and

model seated before a sculpted head)
Etching from the Suite Vollard
10 3/8 x 7 1/2" image size
17 1/2 x 13 3/8" paper size

Printed on Montval paper
Picasso watermark, edition of 260
Printed by Lacouriere in 1939
(Bloch catalog number 152)
Sorry, sold
                  sculpteur finissant un platre
Jeune sculpteur finissant un plâtre, 25.3.1933
(Young sculptor at work finishing a plaster)
Etching from the Suite Vollard
10 3/8 x 7 1/2" image size
17 3/8 x 13 3/8" paper size

Printed on Montval paper
Vollard watermark, edition of 260
Printed by Lacouriere in 1939
(Bloch catalog number 156)
$17,500 framed

Le repose
                  du sculpteur
Le repos du Sculpteur et
le M
odèle au Masque, 27.3.1933
(Resting sculptor and model with the mask)
Etching from the Suite Vollard
10 3/8 x 7 1/2" image size
17 1/2 x 13 1/4" paper size

Printed on Montval paper
Picasso watermark, edition of 260
Printed by Lacouriere in 1939
(Bloch catalog number 159)
$19,000 framed

[For all art, click on title or picture for more detail]
                  au repos avec son Modele anemones et petit torse
Le repos du Sculpteur devant

le Petit Torse, 30.3.1933
(Sculptor and reclining model at window viewing a sculpted small torso)

  Etching from the Suite Vollard
7 5/8 x 10 3/8" image size
13 3/8 x 17 3/4" paper size

Printed on Montval paper
Vollard watermark, edition of 260
Printed by Lacouriere in 1939
Very fine rich print.
(Bloch catalog number 162)
$22,500 framed

Le repos
                  du sculpteur devant le jeune cavalier
Le Repos du Sculpteur devant

le Jeune Cavalier, 30.3.1933
(Sculptor, reclining model, and

sculpture of a horse and youth)
Etching from the Suite Vollard
7 3/4 x 10 5/8" image size
13 3/8 x 17 5/8" paper size

Printed on Montval paper
Picasso watermark, edition of 260
Printed by Lacouriere in 1939
(Bloch catalog number 164)
$17,500 framed

                  travaillant sur le motif avec Marie-Therese Posant
Sculpteur et son Modèle

devant une Fenêtre, 31.3.1933
(Sculptor seated by a window,

working from a model)
Etching from the Suite Vollard
7 1/2 x 10 3/8" image size
13 3/8 x 17 1/2" paper size

Printed on Montval paper
Picasso watermark, edition of 260
Printed by Lacouriere in 1939
Very fine rich print.
(Bloch catalog number 168)
$22,500 framed

Le repos
                  du sculpteur IV
Le Repos du Sculpteur IV, 4.4.1933
(Sculptor and model reclining by a window,
and sculptured head)

Etching from the Suite Vollard
7 1/2 x 10 1/2" image size
13 3/8 x 17 5/8" paper size

Printed on Montval paper
Picasso watermark, edition of 260
Printed by Lacouriere in 1939
Very fine rich print.
(Bloch catalog number 174)
$22,500 framed
Marie-Therese, sculpteur au travail et sculpture
                  representant un athlete
 Sculpteur d'un Jeune Homme
à la Coupe
, 11.4.1933
(Heads of sculptor and model
and statue of a striding youth
Etching from the Suite Vollard
10 3/8 x 7 1/2" image size
17 1/2 x 13 3/8" paper size

Printed on Montval paper
Picasso watermark, edition of 260
Printed by Lacouriere in 1939
(Bloch catalog number 179)
$10,500 framed

                  laide devant la sculpture d'ine Marie-Therese
Modèle nu et Sculptures, 3.5.1933
(Female model and two sculptures)
Etching from the Suite Vollard
14 3/4 x 11 1/2" image size
17 1/2 x 13 3/8" paper size

Printed on Montval paper
Vollard watermark, edition of 260
Printed by Lacouriere in 1939
Very fine rich print.
(Bloch catalog number 185)
Sorry, sold for $25,000 framed

Au bain
                  femme au chapeau a fleurs et femme drapee dans une
Femme assise au Chapeau
et Femme debout drap
ée, 29.1.1934
(Seated woman with a hat
and standing woman draped)
Etching from the Suite Vollard
10 7/8 x 7 7/8" image size
  19 7/8 x 15 1/8" paper size

Printed on Montval paper with large margins
Vollard watermark, edition of 50
Signed in pencil
Printed by Lacouriere in 1939
(Bloch catalog number 210)
$35,000 framed

                  bacchus au tambourin avec une bacchante
Jeune couple accroupi,
l'homme avec un tambourin
, 30.1.1934
(Young couple sitting, the man with a tambourine)
Etching from the Suite Vollard
11 x 7 3/4" image size
  17 3/8 x 13 3/8" paper size

Printed on Montval paper
Vollard watermark, edition of 260
Printed by Lacouriere in 1939
(Bloch catalog number 212)
$18,500 framed

Flutist et
                  jeune fille au tambourin
Flûtiste et Jeune Fille
au Tambourin
, 30.1.1934
(Flutist and girl with the tambourine)
Etching from the Suite Vollard
11 x 7 3/4" image size
17 1/2 x 13 1/4" paper size

Printed on Montval paper
Picasso watermark, edition of 260
Printed by Lacouriere in 1939
(Bloch catalog number 213)
$18,500 framed

Femme nue
                  assise et Trois Tetes barbues
Femme nue assise et
Trois Têtes barbues
, 1.1934
(Seated nude woman and three bearded heads)
Etching and aquatint from the Suite Vollard
5 1/8 x 7 1/8" image size
13 1/2 x 17 1/2" paper size

Printed on Montval paper
Signed in pencil, edition of 260
(Bloch catalog number 216)
Sorry, sold for $17,500 framed
                  avec un groupe sculpte
Sculpteur et Trois Danseuses
, 2.3.1934
(Sculptor and sculpture of three dancers)
Etching from the Suite Vollard
8 5/8 x 12 1/4" image size
13 5/8 x 17 3/8" paper size

Printed on Montval paper
Vollard watermark, edition of 260
Printed by Lacouriere in 1939
Very fine rich print.
(Bloch catalog number 217)
$27,500 framed

Portrait of
                  Dora Maar, III
Portrait de Dora Maar, III
, 16.8.1937
(Portrait of Dora Maar)

  Drypoint etching
13 5/8 x 10 1/8" image size
17 3/4 x 13 3/8" paper size

Printed on Montval paper
Picasso watermark
Edition of 50
Printed by Lacouriere in 1942
Very fine rich print.
(Bloch catalog number 299)
$32,000 framed

[For all art, click on title or picture for more detail]
The Ram
Le Belier, 1941-42
(The Ram)

  Sugarlift aquatint and drypoint
10 5/8 x 8 1/4" image size
17 5/8 x 13 3/8" paper size

Printed on Montval paper
Picasso watermark
State II (with title)
One of only 8 prints before steel facing
Printed by Lacouriere in 1941-1942
(Bloch catalog number 332)
$4,950 framed

Le Chien
Le Chien, 1941-42
(The Dog)

  Sugarlift aquatint and drypoint
10 5/8 x 8 1/2" image size
17 5/8 x 13 3/8" paper size

Printed on Montval paper
Picasso watermark
State II (with title)
One of only 8 prints before steel facing
Printed by Lacouriere in 1941-1942
(Bloch catalog number 334)
$4,800 framed

La Biche
La Biche, 1941-42
(The Deer)

  Sugarlift aquatint and drypoint
10 7/8 x 8 5/8" image size
17 5/8 x 13 3/8" paper size

Printed on Montval paper
Picasso watermark
State II (with title)
One of only 5 prints before steel facing
Printed by Lacouriere in 1941-1942
(Bloch catalog number 336)
Sorry, sold

                    turtle doves
Les Deux Tourterelles, II, 29.6.1946
(Two Turtle Doves II (black))

17 1/2 x 19 1/2" image size
19 5/8 x 25 3/4" paper size
Printed on Arches paper
One of the rare trial proofs
Initialed FM (Fernand Mourlot)
and numbered 6/6 on back of art
From the collection of the printer
(Bloch catalog number 406
and Cantz catalog number 158)
Sorry, sold

Untitled III, 25.11.1946

from the book Sainte Catherine
12 x 9" image size
12 3/4 x 9 3/4" paper size
Printed by Mourlot
Sorry, sold

Le Femme au
La Femme au Fauteuil
, 16.2.1947
(Woman in the Armchair)

  Lithograph in 6 colors
19 5/8 x 12 3/4" image size
19 5/8 x 12 3/4" paper size

Printed on Arches paper
Signed in crayon
Numbered in pencil 31/50
(Bloch catalog number 422)
$45,000 framed

                  verre et couteau
Pommes, Verre et Couteau
, 11.3.1947
(Apples, Glass and Knife)
(Scraped wash drawing on
lithographic paper transferred to stone)

From the suite of 13 lithographs "
Dans l'Atelier de Picasso" (In the Workshop of Picasso)
6 3/4 x 11" image size
17 1/2 x 12 3/8" paper size

Printed on Arches watermarked paper
(Bloch catalog number 429
and Cantz catalog number 190)

$3,500 framed

La Tasse et
                  la Pomme
La Tasse et la Pomme
, 21.4.1947
(The cup and the apple)

(Scraped wash drawing on
lithographic paper transferred to stone)
From the suite of 13 lithographs
"Dans l'Atelier de Picasso"
(In the Workshop of Picasso)
6 1/4 x 9 7/8" image size
17 x 12 7/8" paper size

Printed on Arches watermarked paper
One of 4 trial proofs
From the Marina Picasso Collection
(Bloch catalog number 447
and Cantz catalog number 221)

$4,000 framed

Femme brune
                  de trois quarts
Femme brune de trois quarts, Illustration
"Vingt Poèmes de Góngora",  29.6.1947

Original aquatint with drypoint
15 x 11" image size
Printed on Marais paper
Printed by Lacouriere (Paris) in 1947
From the edition of 276
(Bloch catalog number 511)

Sorry, sold

[For all art, click on title or picture for more detail]
Jeune Femme
                  au Corsage a Triangles
Jeune Femme

au Corsage à Triangles, 18.5.1947
(Young woman with the blouse with triangles)

(Wash drawing and gouache, crayon on lithographic paper transferred to stone)
 21 1/4 x 17 1/8" image size
17 x 12 7/8" paper size

Printed on Arches watermarked paper
  Annotated epreuve d'artiste (artist proof)
Signed in pencil
(Bloch catalog number 456
and Cantz catalog number 239)
$55,000 framed

                  Corsage Raye
Le Corsage Rayé, 1949
Lithograph on Arches paper
20 5/8 x 15 3/4"
Printed by Mourlot
From the 1971 edition of 300
Monogrammed in pencil by Fernand Mourlot
(Note: this image also appears on the cover of the Cantz catalog of Picasso's lithographs.)
$4,750 framed

Tete de
                  femme de trois quarts
Tête de Femme de trois-quarts
, 4.1.1953
(Woman's head, three-quarter face)

  Lithograph from a zinc plate
 21 1/4 x 17 1/8"
Numbered from the edition of 50
Printed on Arches paper
Printed at Atelier Mourlot
Signed in pencil
(Bloch catalog number 730
and Cantz catalog number 617)
$23,000 framed

Nature morte
                  au Livre
Nature morte au Livre
, 4.1.1953
(Still life with book)

15 3/4 x 10 5/8" image size
19 5/8 x 15 1/8" paper size

Printed on Arches watermarked paper

Artist proof (Epreuve d'artiste)
from the Marina Picasso collection
Signed in pencil
(Bloch catalog number 732
and Cantz catalog number 619)
$6,500 framed

                  with Dice
Untitled, 1958
(Woman with dice)

Color print on Japon paper
20 1/8 x 11 3/4" image size
24 x 18 1/8" paper size
Signed and dated in the plate
Sorry, sold

Noble Dame
Noble Dame
, 6.1.1959
(Noble Lady)

26 x 19 5/8" image size
26 x 19 5/8" paper size

Numbered 47/50
Signed in pencil
(Bloch catalog number 871)
$42,500 framed

                  morte a la pasteque
Nature morte à la pastèque
, 1962
(Still life with watermelon and cherries)
Seven-color linocut
23 1/4 x 28 3/8" image size
24 1/2 x 29 5/8" paper size

Numbered 137/160
Signed in pencil
Printed and published by Arnera Vallauris
Arches blind-stamped on bottom
(Bloch catalog number 1098)
$75,000 framed

Les Bleus
                  de Barcelone
Peintre au Travail avec Modèle Barbu et Une Spectatrice assise en Tailleur
, 17.11.1963
(Painter at work with bearded model

and seated spectator)
Aquatint and drypoint
9 1/8 x 13" image size
16 3/8 x 21 1/4" paper size
Numbered 46/75
Pencil signed
With Au Vent d'Arles and
Richard de Bas watermarks
Printed by Atelier Crommelynck
Frontispiece for "Les Bleus de Barcelone"
(Bloch catalog number 1130)
$19,500 framed

Man with
Man with Ruff, 1963

Lithograph on Arches paper
21 1/4 x 15 3/4" image size
26 3/4 x 21 3/4" paper size
Printed by Mourlot
Picasso signature in the plate
In margin: "Henri Deschamps Grav. Lith. c. Mourlot IMP"
(Same image as Bloch 1148)
$2,250 framed

Boy with
Boy with Lamb

Lithograph on Arches paper
27 1/8 x 17 3/8" image size
29 1/2 x 21 1/4" paper size
Printed by Mourlot and stamped Mourlot
Lith. d'apres Picasso c. SPADEM
Paris 1991, Mourlot IMP.

Sorry, sold
Theatre ou
                  television, cape at Epee
Théâtre ou Télévision: cape et Épée
, 1968
(Plate 87 from the 347 Series)

  Aquatint and drypoint
11 1/2 x 13 5/8" image size
17 7/8 x 20 1/2" paper size
Numbered 10/50
Pencil signed
Edition Galerie Louise Leiris in 1969
Printed by Atelier Crommelynck

(Bloch catalog number 1567)
 $17,000 framed
(Old Man thinking of his youth)
(Vieil Homme Songeant À Sa Vie: Jeunesse Galante, Age Mar de Peintre Célèbre, De Uvre Creie Dans Un Taudis et Trônant Maintenant Sousin Dais)
, 1968
(Plate 123 from the 347 Series)
Sugarlift and aquatint
19 1/4 x 13 1/4" image size
25 3/4 x 18 1/4" paper size
Printed on Rives wove paper
Printed by Crommelynck
Marina Picasso Collection oval stamp
1 of 17 artist proofs
Pencil signed
(Bloch catalog number 1604)
 $24,000 framed

From the
                  347 Series
Untitled, 20.9.1968 I
(From the 347 Series)

8 1/4  x 10 1/2" image size
13 1/4 x 15 7/8" paper size
Numbered 15/50
Pencil signed
Edition Galerie Louise Leiris in 1969
Printed by Atelier Crommelynck

(Bloch catalog number 1807)
 $17,000 framed

                  for Leiris
Clown for Leiris, 1969

29 7/8 x 21 1/4"
Signed in the plate
In top margin: "Galerie Louise Leiris"
Lower margin: "Picasso 15.12.69
On Arches paper with Mourlot watermark
Printed in France at Mourlot
Sorry, sold out at $4,000
Braque, Picasso, Rouault Poster, 1964

Collotype and lithography after Picasso
28 x 20" paper size
Edition of 1,000
Printed by Mourlot in 1964
Lithography by Henri Deschamps
Sorry, sold

Portraits Imaginaires
Portraits Imaginaires, 14.3.1969 II
Lithograph after Picasso
24 x 19 7/8" image size
29 1/8 x 20 3/8" paper size
Signed in the plate
With text at top: "Picasso Portraits Imaginaires"
Lower text: "Vingt neuf Lithographies Realisees Par Marcel Salinas"
Sorry, sold for $850

Portraits Imaginaire
Portraits Imaginaires, 26.3.1969 III
Lithograph after Picasso
24 x 19 7/8" image size
29 1/8 x 20 3/8" paper size
Signed in the plate
With text at top: "Picasso Portraits Imaginaires"
Lower text: "Vingt neuf Lithographies Realisees Par Marcel Salinas"
Sorry, sold for $1,600 framed

Portraits Imaginaire
Portraits Imaginaires, 27.4.1969
Lithograph after Picasso
24 x 19 7/8" image size
29 1/8 x 20 3/8" paper size
Signed in the plate
With text at top: "Picasso Portraits Imaginaires"
Lower text: "Vingt neuf Lithographies Realisees Par Marcel Salinas"
Sorry, sold for $850
Portraits Imaginaires
Portraits Imaginaires, 5.04.1969

Lithograph after Picasso
24 x 19 7/8" image size
28 7/8 x 20 3/8" paper size
Signed in the plate
With text at top: "Picasso Portraits Imaginaires"
Lower text: "Vingt neuf Lithographies Realisees Par Marcel Salinas"
Sorry, sold for $1,600 framed
, 1971
(from the Portfolio of La Célestine)

  Etching and aquatint
3 1/2 x 4 7/8" image size
8 1/4 x 6 1/4" paper size
Numbered XXIII/XXX (HC)
Printed on Richard-de-Bas paper
Published by Editions de l'Atelier Crommelynck
(Bloch catalog number 1587)
$3,600 framed

, 1971
(from the Portfolio of La Célestine)

  Etching and aquatint
3 1/2 x 2 3/8" image size
8 1/4 x 6 1/4" paper size
Numbered XXIII/XXX (HC)
Printed on Richard-de-Bas paper
Published by Editions de l'Atelier Crommelynck

  (Bloch catalog number 1601)
Sorry, sold

, 1971
(from the Portfolio of La Célestine)
  Etching and aquatint
3 1/2 x 2 3/8" image size
8 1/4 x 6 1/4" paper size
Numbered XXIII/XXX (HC)
Printed on Richard-de-Bas paper
Published by Editions de l'Atelier Crommelynck

  (Bloch catalog number 1616)
$3,600 framed
, 1971
(from the Portfolio of La Célestine)
  Etching and aquatint
2 3/8 x 4 3/4" image size
8 1/4 x 6 1/4" paper size
Numbered XXIII/XXX (HC)
Printed on Richard-de-Bas paper
Published by Editions de l'Atelier Crommelynck

  (Bloch catalog number 1637)
$3,600 framed

, 1971
(from the Portfolio of La Célestine)

  Etching and aquatint
3 1/2 x 2 3/8" image size
8 1/4 x 6 1/4" paper size
Numbered XXIII/XXX (HC)
Printed on Richard-de-Bas paper
Published by Editions de l'Atelier Crommelynck
(Bloch catalog number 1657)
$3,600 framed

, 1971
(from the Portfolio of La Célestine)

  Etching and aquatint
3 1/2 x 2 3/8" image size
8 1/4 x 6 1/4" paper size
Numbered XXIII/XXX (HC)
Printed on Richard-de-Bas paper
Published by Editions de l'Atelier Crommelynck

  (Bloch catalog number 1690)

Picasso in studio, 1957
                    1957 standing in studio

La Homme La
L'Homme,  La Femme
Pair of bronze sculptures cast from the clay models created by Picasso and now at the Picasso Museum, Antibes, France
Height 11 3/4"
From the international edition of 175
Please inquire

                  with family
Claude, Picasso,
Francoise Gilot, and Paloma, 1953

Madoura 2
Brown Blue Face, 1947

Rectangular ceramic dish
12 5/8 x 15 1/8"
White earthenware clay, decoration in engobes, engraved under glaze
Edition of 200
Stamped Madoura
Stamped Edition Picasso
(Madoura catalog 2)


Madoura 83
Little Wood Owl, 1949

Turned pitcher
4 7/8 x 4 1/8"
White earthenware clay, decoration in engobes, glaze inside
Edition of 200
Stamped Madoura Plein
Stamped d'apres Picasso limited authentic replica
(Madoura catalog 83)

Still Life, 1953

Rectangular dish
12 5/8 x 15 3/8"
White earthenware clay, decoration in engobes, knife engraved under glaze
Edition of 400
Stamped Madoura
Stamped d'apres Picasso limited authentic replica
(Madoura catalog 219)
Hen Subject, 1954

Turned shaped piece
5 1/8 x 6 7/8"
White earthenware clay, oxide decoration on white enamel
Edition of 500
(Madoura catalog 250)


                  1953 at Madoura
Picasso painting ceramic, 1953
Woman (unique), 1955

Turned pitcher
12 3/8 x 3 7/8"
White earthenware clay, decoration in engobes, glaze inside
(Similar to Madoura catalog 301)

Bunch with
                  Apple, 1956
Bunch with Apple, 1956
Round square plate
9 7/8"
Original ceramic, white earthenware clay, decoration accentuated with oxidized paraffin, oxides under glaze
400 produced
(Madoura catalog 307)
Thank you very much for taking the time to review the images and material we prepared for you on this Saper Galleries Picasso web site. 

Our objective was to allow you an opportunity to better understand, appreciate and come to know the art of Pablo Picasso through the 77 works of art displayed and the descriptive text which provided a context for the art in terms of what was happening at the time in Europe, in America, and in Picasso's life that provided inspiration for his imagery and creativity.

We prepared for you a summary of Picasso's life and his women, definition of Picasso's print-making techniques, discussion of original graphics and introduction to Picasso ceramics so you would possibly gain a better understanding of the artist, his life and work.

I hope you enjoyed the exhibition on line and will visit us in downtown East Lansing, Michigan!

~ Roy C. Saper

Jacqueline's Profile, 1962

Turned round dish, 14"
Red earthenware clay, glaze decoration, knife engraved, black patina
Edition of 100
On bottom: Edition Picasso 55/100
Stamped: Edition Picasso
Stamped Madoura
(Madoura catalog 457)
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